First test with the use off the HPI ignition and separate float bowl.
Must say I like the nervous throttle response, but it will be difficult to set it up correct.
Will need to investigate it further.......
New bracket for the exhaust.

This time with a silentblock.

Still looking good.

This picture is made for float height reference

It is running but it will take more work to setup correct.
Well, to let the Motom run better I needed to investigate/change thinks.
First one is that I need to see where the float height is, second it was still running badly can't give full throttle so need to check the valves or see if a other problem is pressent.
Working out a idea.

1,5mm center hole

Ready for mounting

I can check now how high the float level is while the engine is running.
Need to use a little bid longer hose this is just for testing.

Checking the valve at 0,15mm.

Ready for second test run.