Have to try something to see if the gear problem can be solved.
It turns out there is inside the shaft a spring loaded mechanism that pusses the metal bols outside into the sprocket.
My idea is to give the spring load a bid more pressure....

I used a different spring from my spare engine and placed an extra shim to get more pressure.

Starting to make a new spacer. (of brass metal)

Starting with the center hole.

Machined it to 20mm

Made a nice soft angular (so it doesn't look that massive)

A nice shine and not too hard metal (so it can damage the shaf)

Looking good.

Still trying to solve the gear problems, now I'm experimenting with different length of arms.
Sadly, this did not give me the results I liked.
Ended up with changing my first arm
Startung point 1,5 mm metal.

First fit.

Start grinding

Started with the shape.

Grinding more.

Geting close.

End resuld.

Making the mounting nails.

Special look.

The whole set.

Nicely fitted.

Making the first arm.



Stopped, and went back to the original setting. It was getting too complicated.

I did used a special nail.

To overcome the problem to shift past third gear and activate the pedal mode I made an adjustable end stop.
So after third gear you can push what you want but it will stay in third gear.
The end stop in totall

Roughly around here.

Tacket in to its place.



A real stop.

Is not looking that bad.

Tried another setup, but this time it is fully adjustable.
1) Arm length adjustable.
2) Arm width adjustment.
Hopefully I can set it correct now
Cutting my holder.

Welding on an M6 bold

Constructing a clamp bush.

Until now, I can shift through all the gears.

Width adjustable.

Need to grind it more clean, but the start is there.